Christmas Cookies Exchange

Christmas Cookies Exchange

0 2972
Christmas Cookies Exchange

Everyone loves to eat delicious cookies over Christmas, but it can be very expensive to buy cookies and even bake them, especially if everyone in your family likes different flavors and varieties. That’s why we think Christmas Cookie Exchanges are a great way to save money.

Whether you love sugar cookies, peanut butter and chocolate cookies, macaroons, chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal cookies, a cookie exchange is a great way to get a taste of everything and save money. Follow our steps for your very own Christmas Cookie Exchange.

1. Invite

The more the merrier, as they say! And the more people you invite, the more cookies you will get to try. Let your guests know about the party about a month beforehand, since everyone will be busy visiting family and friends over the holidays. Don’t forget to tell your guests how many batches or cookies they should bring along, too.

2. Plan

Now you’ve told your friends, it’s time to start planning your own cookies, just as they will. Since you have some time up your sleeve, consider these money saving tips when planning:

  • Look for recipes that use similar ingredients so you don’t have to buy as many different ingredients, which means you’ll save money at the supermarket
  • Make your shopping list early so you can keep an eye out for the ingredients you need and buy them when they’re on sale
  • Think about how much something will cost to bake from scratch and compare this amount with ready to bake cookie dough and cookie mix

3. Prepare

About a week before you start baking, check that you have all the equipment, bake ware and kitchenware you need for your recipes. Purchase some extra plastic wrap and containers for guests who forget on the day. They’ll need something to take their cookies home in!

It’s also a good time to make sure your house is ready for the festive season. Your Christmas tree should be up and covered in Christmas lights and Christmas decorations and you gifts should be wrapped under the tree. Consider displaying your Christmas cards above the mantle and organize some Christmas music for the day.

4. Bake

We recommend baking your cookies a couple of days before the party and only after you have organized your home in Step 3. That way, you can focus on what really matters – baking the Christmas cookies!

5. Serve

Get your Christmas songs on and light up the Christmas tree. Today is the day you have been waiting for. Prepare your trays and plates of cookies, have extra seating available, make sure there are some drinks poured, but most of all just have fun.

6. Recipes

You tried and tasted so many different types of cookies, and now is your chance to bake your favorites at home. Email or call your guests and ask for their recipes. Then compile these recipes together and email or print them off for all your guests. They will really appreciate this gesture!

Share your favorite cookie recipes in our comments below!


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